Search Results for "Fish"

The Catch of The Day Story

Aren’t we all excited to see a good price on our favourite fish or seafood! Licious calls it the Catch of the Day-certain kinds of fishes that are offered at a very competitive price every now and then.   The Catch of the Day is one of our most unique offerings. […]

I Roast My Case!

I Roast My Case! We can learn to be cooks, but we must be born knowing how to roast-said the French culinary philosopher Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. Closet cooks have famously shied away from Roasting meats. What is it about Roasting that has solicited reactions ranging from fear of the unknown […]

European Sojourn

European Sojourn: A Mastery of Cuisine Home to the Great Masters, Europe has witnessed Renaissance across arts, science, culture and cuisine. And evolution and finesse is something that to this day remains a habit and a way of life. Whether we looks at the classrooms of Cordon Bleu, the stony […]

Asian Feast

Asian Kitchen: A Feast for your senses An epitome to contradictions, commonalities, clamour, colours and collaborations that goes miles beyond the curry stereotype. That’s Asian cuisine for you. From easy 5-minute toss-ups to elaborate overnight simmering. From simple peasant meals to kingly feasts there is no dearth of variety in […]

African Safari

Africa: A culinary trip to the wild “A solution lies in salt and spice” is not something uncommon on taxi screens of Addis Ababa. That’s Africa on a plate. The origin of humanity that bears in its dark history the many layers of an iconic gastronomy. Be it Doro Wat, […]

American Classics

Good Ol’ American Classics: New World, New Narrative Before the mainstream media roped in the rustic cowboys, the Steve McCartneys and the Marlboro man into the popular consciousness as the icons of everything true-blue America, there was a richer land full of settlers who arrived at the shores of the […]

Cheap To Chic: The Lobster Ascends

You wouldn’t suspect that a close relative of grasshoppers and tarantulas could be widely considered an elegant indulgence by gourmands all across the world, wouldn’t you? And yet, every time a chef proudly presents a lobster-based creation as a signature dish, that’s exactly what happens. Prepared by broiling in butter […]

When life gives you lemons, squeeze them over meat

The lemon is said to have originated in the Indus Valley because of a lemon-shaped earring from 2500 BC found by archaeologists in the area. Since those days of yore, this wonderfully juicy and nutritious fruit has written Tangy Tales of terrific proportions. It has saved thousands of sailors’ lives […]

The Luscious Lobster

Lobster is considered a delicacy and many people love its rich taste. Once you have tried this tasty treat, you will definitely want more. However, before you dive in and take a bite, you may want to learn a little more about what lobster is, how to eat it, where […]

The Story of the Hilsa

The Ilish, also known as Hilsa, is a popular food amongst the people of South Asia and in the Middle East, and especially with Bengalis. It is the national fish of Bangladesh. Bengali fish curry is a popular dish made with mustard oil or seed. It is also popular in […]