Search Results for "Chicken Curry"

5 meats & seafood that you love to cook

There’s no denying that our country absolutely loves to cook a variety of meats & seafood. At Licious, we offer you the widest range of fresh meats & seafood so that you can truly enjoy meat the way it’s meant to be and have the convenience of choosing the right […]

My free range trip

The Ride I was in an auto-rickshaw on my way to a dinner with friends on a rather hectic ‘city’ evening. The driver and I struck a conversation, as most of us do when caught in the doldrums that is Bangalore traffic. Our general dissatisfaction of city-life became the crux […]


Give Meat A Zesty Marinade

Got a new job or promotion? Let’s party! Play games, celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, call friends for pajama parties, qualified an exam or exams got over, throwing a housewarming party, karaoke nights, dinner dates, post break-up, woo your partner, weather is good, don’t want to be alone; reasons might be […]

Pay For What You’Ll Really Eat, And Love!

We know you’ve loved Licious meats and seafood. But have you or friends ever debated that we are a tad bit premium for a meat/seafood brand?! Well, we always want you to win that argument and have our back. Here are a couple of points to remind you why you, […]

Asian Feast

Asian Kitchen: A Feast for your senses An epitome to contradictions, commonalities, clamour, colours and collaborations that goes miles beyond the curry stereotype. That’s Asian cuisine for you. From easy 5-minute toss-ups to elaborate overnight simmering. From simple peasant meals to kingly feasts there is no dearth of variety in […]

Marvellous Malvani Magic

The Konkan coast of India has always enjoyed a great position of relevance and reverance in the history of India. The intrepid Shivaji fought many of his battles in that region and the coast was the resting hub for the proud and glorious Maratha Navy. One of the most prominent figureheads of India’s […]

Malayali Marvels – A Boon From The Backwaters

One of the most unique and beloved styles of Indian Cuisine is the one served up by the Malayalis. Every foodie loves the fabulous food coming out of the coconut lined coast of Kerala. The cuisine of Kerala is linked to its history, geography, demography and culture. It offers a […]