Got a new job or promotion? Let’s party! Play games, celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, call friends for pajama parties, qualified an exam or exams got over, throwing a housewarming party, karaoke nights, dinner dates, post break-up, woo your partner, weather is good, don’t want to be alone; reasons might be […]
Search Results for "burger"
American Classics
Good Ol’ American Classics: New World, New Narrative Before the mainstream media roped in the rustic cowboys, the Steve McCartneys and the Marlboro man into the popular consciousness as the icons of everything true-blue America, there was a richer land full of settlers who arrived at the shores of the […]
Getting Meatier
Continuing where we left off yesterday, let’s learn more about why eating meat is essential for you. If meat’s positive – strike that, crucial – role in muscle growth isn’t enough, meat also helps burn fat. Meat has a high thermogenic effect because of its protein content, so that approximately […]
Let’s KetchUp on History!
Is ketchup the world’s favourite sauce? Maybe so, considering it’s found in most of our homes and on innumerable culinary delights each day. But there’s more to this sauce than hamburgers and hot dogs. In fact, ketchup has a storied past that dates back to imperial China—something to think about […]
Chilling N’ Grilling
Summer is generally the season for grilling in the minds of most people. For another good many of us, grilling happens year ’round. Whichever group you belong to, it’s time to get off the lighter fluid! First of all, some basics. There’s a big difference between a ‘cookout’ and a […]
The Magnificent Machismo of Meat
Meat, in general is quite beloved among people. Most meat lovers eat kilos of meat every year. That’s a lot of muscle, and it’s laden with meaning—in terms of human evolution, social habits and modern marketing. Men, on average, consume more meat than women. Paul Rozin, a University of Pennsylvania […]
Mayo Mondays
Tucking into a new feast of Masterchef Australia , now in its 8th season , not only leaves us viewers, with contestants with compelling back stories, but also the CRAVING for the exceptional food they make! For all foodies around the world, this amazing show of culinary excellence, dexterity and […]